Don't Overlook the Importance of Cleaning Your Case!

If you wear reusable contact lenses, the importance of keeping a clean storing environment for the lenses is often overlooked. Without the proper cleaning, contact lens cases can become a harbor for dangerous bacteria and microorganisms. Stagnant solution can create what we call a biofilm in the case. This slimy sheen protects and feeds unwanted microorganisms that can then be transferred from the contact lens to your eye. The American Optometric Association recommends cleaning contact lens cases nightly and replacing them at least every three months. An easy rule is to replace your case every time you open a new bottle of contact lens solutions. 

Here are some does and don'ts to contact lens case care:

DON'T top off leftover solution to fill a case.

DO empty the case every morning and refill with fresh solution at night.

DON'T leave the case closed during the day while the contacts are not in the case.

DO rub the case with a clean finger and rinse with fresh solution after applying your contact lenses to your eyes for the day.  Allow the case to air dry face down with caps off.

DON'T store your case on a dirty surface such as the back of a toilet or within a spray shot of hair styling products. 

DO store your case in a clean, low humidity area. 


Keeping your contact lens case clean is very easy with the proper care system and helps to keep your eyes healthy. Incorperate these tips into your routine to lower your risk of infection!



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St. Louis, Missouri 63144

    (314) 863-0000




 113 Old State Road Suite 101
Ellisville, Missouri 63021

    (636) 256-7800